Justice League Unlimited (JLU) is an American animated television series that was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and aired on Cartoon Network. Featuring a wide array of superheroes from the DC Comics universe, and specifically based on the Justice League superhero team, it is a direct sequel to the previous Justice League animated series. JLU debuted on July 31, 2004 on Toonami and ended with the episode aired May 13, 2006. It was also the final series set in the long-running DC animated universe, which started with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992.
In August 2012, The CW's Vortexx Saturday morning block began airing reruns of this series. Reruns of this show ended in August 2014.
I love these cartoons and was not able to watch them on YouTube but thanks of this site
ReplyDeleteThis place is on fire, okay? This place is on fire, and I'm a guy with a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI go out there, I'm a member...
how to watch it in full screen
ReplyDeletei've searched everywhere for episodes online and haven't found them...
ReplyDeletethank you so so much!!!!
There's no Indonesia subtitle?